When your hosting provider offers live chat support, you will be able to talk to an agent in real-time and learn useful information or get a problem resolved in a very timely manner. The basic advantage of using chat rather than calling to consult with a live person is that you'll need just a computer with access to the world wide web, so that you won't pay any charges when you're in a different state or country. In addition, it will be simpler to copy and paste information such as domain names, usernames or error messages in other words details which are sometimes hard to share with the other side on the telephone. The real-time chat is also a quicker option to contact the web hosting company's support crew in comparison to using a ticketing system. What's more, when some issue requires a little more time to be resolved, you can do something else entirely while you wait for guidance on the live chat, so that you won't lose time - something that is impossible in case you're on the phone.

Live Chat Support in Shared Hosting

As part of the support services that we supply for our shared hosting, we have live chat support that is available twenty-four seven, even on holidays. You are able to contact us no matter if you already own an account or not, since we will help you with pretty much anything, ranging from giving you general info about our services if you are not a client yet and you are interested in purchasing one of the packages, to helping you with setting up an e-mail account in an e-mail client. A part of the issues are more complex and time-consuming, which means that you'll need to employ the ticketing system which is integrated in the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, but we can save you time and help you in real time on our live chat for quite a lot of things.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

We have a live chat service that is accessible to all our prospective and current clients. In case you're searching for a new hosting account, you can chat in real time to one of our agents and get more info about our semi-dedicated servers so that you can pick the best package for your sites. If you already own an account with us, we'll be able to support you timely with billing, general and 1st level technicalissues. Although in some instances you'll need to open a ticket as there're situations that cannot be resolved on the live chat, we'll be able to assist you with numerous standard tasks, for instance installing an email account in an e-mail client or forwarding one domain name to another one. This way, you'll benefit from quick support and you will save a lot of time.