InnoDB is a popular storage engine for MySQL. It’s an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has a number of upsides which make it the engine of choice for plenty of script-driven software applications, including Joomla and Magento, which have shifted over to InnoDB for good. For instance, importing huge data volumes will be much faster with InnoDB, due to the fact that it locks only a single database row to accomplish a given operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine perfect for scalable applications. InnoDB also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the way in which the information is handled. Put simply, adding new or modifying existing data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be canceled and the procedure will be rolled back if any issue shows up in the meantime, which means that the content that remains in the database will not be damaged.

InnoDB in Shared Hosting

Every PHP script-based application that needs InnoDB will run flawlessly on our leading-edge cloud platform and the storage engine is available with all our shared hosting packages. Whenever you create a MySQL database manually or our app installer creates one automatically and an app installation is initiated, the engine that the database will make use of will be selected in accordance with the app’s requirements without having to modify any setting in your account. InnoDB will be picked automatically for any app that requires this particular engine and you will be able to get the most out of its full potential. We’ll carry out daily backups of your content, so in case you accidentally delete a database that is important to you or you overwrite specific parts of it, we will be able to restore the database the way it was just a few hours ago.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you set up a brand new MySQL database through the Control Panel offered with all our semi-dedicated server packages and you begin installing an open-source script-powered app either manually or using our single-click application installer, the MySQL database storage engine will be picked automatically based on the prerequisites of the given app. Since InnoDB is available on the cloud hosting platform where your new semi-dedicated account will be set up, it will be set as the default engine for any application that needs it without the need for any manual action on your end at any moment. To avoid any chance of losing data if you update an app or if you erase a database by mistake, we’ll perform a backup of all your MySQL databases each and every day, so if anything happens, we can rescue your content.

InnoDB in VPS Servers

If our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel is chosen during the registration process for your new VPS plans , InnoDB will be activated on the server along with other required software, so you won’t have to do anything if you decide to run PHP script-based software applications that need this MySQL database engine. The default MySQL engine, MyISAM, will be installed too. You can create a brand-new MySQL database and begin installing the application manually or using our one-click installer. The system will recognize which engine the application in question requires and will set it for the specific database, so the installation process will proceed flawlessly and the app can insert its content into that database. In this way, you can use apps with various requirements regarding the MySQL engine without making any changes on your VPS.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

When you order a new dedicated server, you will be able to choose any of the 3 Control Panels that we offer – cPanel, DirectAdmin and Hepsia. Any server ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel comes with InnoDB pre-activated, so you won’t have to install this MySQL database storage engine manually so as to be able to run open-source script-powered software applications that require it. InnoDB is used by scalable applications and since a dedicated server will give you all the system resources that you need to run large-size Internet sites, it’s quite possible that you’ll resort to InnoDB. You will be able to make use of other engines too, so in case a specific application needs MyISAM rather than InnoDB, you won’t experience any impediment while managing it. The engine that will be used will be recognized automatically once the app installation procedure starts, so you will not have to fine-tune any settings manually at any moment.